The Importance of Installing a Hard Drive Eraser Software

A hard drive wipe indicates a secure deletion system that leaves no indications of the data that used to be stored on the wiped hard drive. This is generally conducted using a certain software program intended for this purpose such as the WhiteCanyon Wipe Drive software. It must be emphasized that a hard drive wipe is not the same as and so much more secure than just deleting every one of the files that are stored on a hard drive. This is due to the fact that when a file is deleted, it is not totally expelled from the hard drive. If you are searching for a secure way to wipe your hard drive, here are some the benefits of investing in a hard drive eraser software.

Observance of Governmental Regulations and Laws

There are laws in place that requires organizations, public agencies, banks, institutions, and so on, to protect an person’s information. Personal information incorporates social security number, driver’s license number, credit card number, financial information, patient information, consumer’s personal financial data. Penalties for non-observance can have severe outcomes – data fraud, expensive lawsuits, and even criminal arraignment. You need to guarantee that you adhere to these regulations and securely delete your hard drives before tossing them out.


Using a hard drive eraser software to delete or wipe a specific hard drive gives someone the vital benefit of having the knowledge and confidence of being totally secure. These days, there so many way of extracting credit card numbers, social security numbers, financial and medical data from hard drives. Remember that when a computer user deletes a file and empties the recycling bin, he still will not completely delete the file information from the hard drive. A hard drive eraser software does not just go halfway when it deletes documents, media, and different sorts of files, but absolutely eradicates traces of these items, making it difficult to recover them even with the best and most current types of software devices made for recovery.

Information Protection

Picture yourself as a member of an organization who needs to re-sell or give away several computers. What happens if the new owner can access all your client data? What happens if a hospital gives their old computers away without safely erasing them first and the patient data falls into the wrong hands? The breach of important information can be costly for any business and will not just lose them so much money, but also the trust of their customers.

Environmentally Friendly

Furthermore, hard drive wiping helps by being an environmentally friendly option to physical disposal of the hard drive.
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