Essential Updates About Google Penguin 4.0

On September 23, 2016, the Google has announced that Google Penguin 4.0 is the newest part of its Core Algorithm.

There has been several individuals who worked hard and waited for this Google Penguin update. This article will mainly talk about the benefits brought about Penguin 4.0.

1. This was released to all countries and available in different languages as well. This would simply mean that everyone will follow the same rules while enjoying similar impact independence for all websites.

2. Another feature is that it is now real-time. This would signify that the ranking of the page is subject to change as Google updates any information regarding the page or the linked pages. Both the negative and positive impact is more noticeable in a fast pace.

3. Another good thing with this Penguin 4.0 is that you can recover from the penalty more fast than before. Your webmaster must improve the site and remove the harmful links, which is the common problems when the site is penalized. If this is the case, you will see the desired results in no time, after Google has recrawl your site’s pages.

4. Another thing, Penguin 4.0 is not a separate filter but a part in the core algorithm. That is what the Google said about the update. So, you need to monitor the backlink profile continuously.

5. Penguin 4.0 is more granular. The algorithm do not give its focus on the entire website but on the certain pages toxic links. It will be more hard to track the micro-penalties. For this reason, you have to regularly audit your website’s subdomains and particular pages that are extremely relevant.

Although Penguin has so many benefits to offer, you need also to know how to use it properly for your utmost advantage.

The danger of this Penguin is that you will never get a notice that your site is already penalized. Sharp drop, declined positions and other indirect signs are your indications of being penalized.

The good thing here is that you are able to see the results more quickly. You can use this for your own benefit. Both the penalization and recovery process becomes faster. Below are few things you need to bear in mind to protect your site.

Always check your position. Be sure to have an email alert whenever there are changes in the position. Another tip is to maintain the cleanliness and health of your backlink profile. Regularly check the lost and new backlinks. You should also consider making a backlink audit on the whole website. Since Penguin is more granular, you have to undergo this important step. Lastly, you should set up properties for each subdomain in the Google Search Console as well as updating any disavowed file.

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