Are you one of those people who struggle when it comes time to figuring out if you should buy your next car or if you should lease it? Well, there are definitely pro’s and con’s to both and I will go over each of the pro’s and con’s to give you a better idea on what you should do. In the end it’s your choice, and my job today is to make that choice a little easier. So let’s discuss the Pro’s and Con’s to buying your next vehicle out right. If you have it in your head already that you want to buy a used car then you can head over too used cars near me fremont and pick the one you like. For those who are not sure let’s take a look at the advantages and disadvantages.

Buying Your Vehicle In One Full Payment:

If you have found the vehicle of your dreams and you have done your research into it than by all means, if you have the cash- make the purchase and be done with it. The advantage to this is you will not have to worry about paying interest on the vehicle and it’s yours right away. Another advantage of buying your vehicle out right is you can make changes to it. If you want to buy nicer rims, you can do that. If you want to chrome it out and tint the windows, by all means it’s yours to do so. You also have the ability to drive your vehicle as far as you’d like. You are not limited to the amount of km’s you can put on your vehicle per year.

The con’s to buying your own vehicle is your totally responsible for all the extra costs. Once the warranty is up, you are now responsible for any repairs. Therefore you will have to spend more money on it including the amount of money you put forth to buy the vehicle. If money is no issue than by all means. The other con ties in with the money situation. Depending on where you are at in life, sometimes money can be an issue. Buying a car will tie up quite a bit of your money.

Leasing A Vehicle:

Now the fun part about leasing a vehicle is that fact that you can get a different one every couple years. If you are someone who likes the newest and greatest of everything, than this option might be the best for you. Do you like to impress people with your vehicle? Then leasing could benefit in this situation, unless you have the money to buy a new car every couple of years. Another advantage to leasing is you have less of a repair cost if anything goes wrong with the vehicle.

The con’s to leasing is you don’t actually own the car. Like I said before, your mileage is usually limited to under 15,000km per year, so if you tend to drive more than that, then buying a vehicle might be a better option for you!