Vehicles Impact on the Environment
Everyone knows that the vehicles we use have an impact on the environment. In fact, it is the one action that probably caused the most harm from an individual’s perspective. In an age where people are increasingly becoming more and more conscious of their impact on the environment, the way people choose vehicles is shifting. This is why we have seen a shift to more people purchasing hybrids and other smaller and environmentally friendly vehicles.
How a vehicle impacts the environment is now considered an important criteria for purchasing a vehicle. It is right up there with fuel mileage, price and the look of the vehicle. Why do you think we have seen such as shift in the way cars are marketed to the public?
Vehicles and air pollution
From a high level perspective, there are three main ways that vehicles impact the environment and the air we breathe. From a local perspective, vehicles have a negative impact on the air we breathe as we walk down the street. From a community perspective, vehicles spread chemicals into the air. From a global perspective, the air pollution that comes from vehicles impacts our environment and has an effect on the atmosphere.
Vehicles Impact on the Environment
Vehicles impact the environment in a number of ways, some that most people overlook. Here are some of the most intrusive ways that vehicles have an impact on our environment:
- Air quality: This is perhaps the most well-known area where vehicle impact the environment. Even with increased restrictions on vehicles, air quality continues to be a concern when it comes to vehicles emitting gases into the air.
- Natural Resources used: Many people overlook the impact that vehicle production has on the use of natural resources. Vehicle production uses fossil fuels, metals and petroleum. The more cars that are produced, the greater strain that is placed on our natural resources.
- Noise pollution: Cars are noisy and when you live in an urban area, car noise can be a source of distraction from work, sleep and reduce your overall ability to concentrate. This is one of the reasons why many people want to move outside of the city where it is quieter.
- Production of greenhouse gases: The production and use of cars has an impact on our climate and global warming. How? Through the release of gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. Each has a negative impact on the environment.
- Water pollution: Most people probably do not associate water pollution with vehicles. However, vehicles impact the quality of our water as they drop or leak oil, which then gets washed into our water supply over time.
Society’s shift to more environmentally friendly cars is a great start to help protect our environment. However, for it to be truly effective, consumers need to buy in and begin to purchase cars that have less of an impact. Government regulations on vehicle emissions, coupled with vehicles that are better for the environment is a step in the right direction to making us more environmentally conscious citizens.
Check out the Insurance Hunter blog for more information on driving tips and vehicle maintenance and auto insurance Toronto!